SEM Review Articles

Posts about

strategic enrollment management (5)

The Marathon is On!

As we enter the early weeks of November, whether you are up or down in your applications, admits,...

NACAC’s Change in SPGP Ethics Standards

I just got back from the annual NACAC conference in Louisville. Throughout my enrollment career,...

Transfer Students - Where Art Thou?

The community college system across the United States has approximately 2.1 million full-time...

Strategies to Facilitate Student Matriculation and Persistence

Some flights have rough landings. Pilots hit the runway hard. They slam the brakes, surprising...

Financial Aid Perfection Syndrome and How to AVOID It!

Have you experienced a reluctance by your financial aid office to award financial aid to...

Tuition Resets – A Real World Perspective

During my career, I have served as the lead strategist for several tuition resets, either as a part...

Admission and Financial Aid Collaboration for Yield Season

While most training is done in the fall, it is never too late for a quick refresher on important...

Mid-year Pivot?

We have passed the fall mile markers. September/October travel season. Check. Thanksgiving. Check. ...

Fall Check Up

Enrollment Planning: a new engine, tune-up, tires, paint job, or just more gas?

Enrollment planning...