Enrollment Solutions

Enrollment management tools for campus leaders.


SEM Effectiveness Study

Unlock the full potential of your enrollment.

SEM Effectiveness Study | SolutionsenrollmentFUEL's cutting-edge SEM Effectiveness Study brings a meticulous blend of quantitative and qualitative assessments to go beyond the surface, delving deep into the structural and administrative fabric that shapes enrollment management. Say farewell to uncertainty as our data-driven strategies pave the way for tangible results. Embark on a transformative journey with us, where collaboration and tailored insights culminate in a brighter enrollment future.

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Student Search

Reach tuition and revenue goals this recruiting cycle.

Effectively deploy your resources to focus on the leads who will matriculate. Today, the best results come from Student Search campaigns combining email, digital advertising, direct mail, and eye-catching collateral. bannerDIRECT is enrollmentFUEL’s proprietary digital marketing solution. It offers you all the digital tools you need, including household targeting, geotargeting, geofencing, re-targeting ads, and social media advertising.

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Tailored Tactics for Targeted Student Search Results.

Are you looking for budget-friendly enrollment strategies guided by research, data, and an expert team? microSEARCH® was made for you! Whether you're looking to test new markets, develop program- or audience-specific pipelines, or supplement your larger Search campaigns, this tactic offers the tools you need to reach your goals.

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Adult & Graduate Lift

Elevate your adult & graduate recruitment approach.

Adult and Graduate Enrollment Lift | Student Search Recruitment | Solutions

Need to bolster your enrollment for these sometimes-hard-to-recruit-for programs? 100% of our graduate recruitment campaigns have succeeded in GROWING enrollment! Read that again. 100% of our graduate clients have experienced growth! What’s in our secret success sauce? Well-constructed and well-placed digital ads, inquiryDETECTOR to identify those stealthy prospects, SEO audits to help them find you, look-alike modeling, Connected TV experiences, pre-roll video, and more come together to expand the top of your recruitment funnel. We can create a tailored campaign just for you that helps you compete and win!

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Yield Boost

Don’t lose the momentum you’ve already built.

Yield Boost | Student Search Recruitment | Solutions

The team has done a lot of heavy lifting to get to this point, and now isn’t the time to let off the gas. You have to keep FUELing the engine. With our yield solution, you can rest assured that an omnichannel communication plan will continue to engage students after acceptance. Social media ads, household targeting, direct mail, and email keep the engine humming so you can cross the finish line and meet your enrollment goals.

name buy assistance

create a strategic name buying game plan and target the right students.

Name Buy Assistance | Student Search Recruitment | Solutions

Our team of name buy specialists have expertise with all prospective student list sources. We can help your team develop a strategy that is right for you, and we can take on the heavy lifting of the name buys themselves. We will collaborate to determine your best opportunities: researching, analyzing, and identifying target markets. Our optional Target Market Analysis geodemographic tool will ensure that your name buys are always measurable and supported by predictive data analytics.

Application Support Campaign

Boost your applicant pool.

Application Support Campaign | Student Search Recruitment | Solutions

With a strategic and intentionally timed cadence of action steps, you can help students realize the benefits of applying to your institution. enrollmentFUEL will use digital marketing, direct mail, ringless voice messaging, and telecounseling to give a lift to your applicant pool. An application support campaign is a highly effective solution, especially when paired with our Student Search and Yield Boost products.

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Amplify the voice of your institution.

Free up your professional staff with teleCONNECT— calling and texting support from enrollmentFUEL. Our seasoned and friendly telecounselors support all types of action-based campaigns for institutions that want outside assistance to tackle time-consuming transactional calls or increase outbound contacts for recruiting. enrollmentFUEL develops scripts, trains, makes calls, sends texts, and monitors quality.

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Ringless Voicemail

A friendly voice message is an effective touch.

Increase your messaging options with ghostVOICE. This cost-effective, ringless voicemail solution delivers messages to mobile phones and is effective for spreading the word about scholarships, application and deposit dates, and campus visit opportunities. Why waste valuable dialing time on transactional calls when ghostVOICE can spread the word for you?

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Geodemographic Research

Modeling to Identify Segmentation Opportunities.

Geodemographic Research | Student Search Recruitment | Solutions

Identify the leads most likely to convert with Target Market Analysis. Using tools such as data mining, geodemographic data analysis, predictive modeling, and data enhancement, we identify clusters of students who are most likely to enroll at your school. This investment ensures efficient list purchases and helps you identify the market segments that are the best fit for your institution.

Parent Search

Connect with your prospects' decision-makers.

Parent Search | Student Search Recruitment | SolutionsOffered exclusively by enrollmentFUEL, pair our proven Parent Search tactics with your Student Search campaign to influence the decision-makers for your prospective students and encourage deposits. Our recent research revealed a 15% deposit increase when using this companion campaign.

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use advanced digital technology to identify new leads

Today, all enrollment prospecting is filled with stealth activity, as students keep their intentions “close to the vest.” Solve the mystery of knowing who wants more engagement from you. Forensic Lead Generation™ puts your website and digital listening technologies at the forefront of your lead generation strategy. Allow enrollmentFUEL to help you capture, properly attribute, and measure the performance of all your marketing channels. By using our full complement of Forensic Lead Generation services, including matchBACK™, inquiryDETECTOR, and clickCAPTURE, we can be sure to identify all your leads—including those who are currently going undetected in your communications flow—and, we can help you create campaigns to move them through your recruitment funnel.

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digital identity verification

Find your stealth visitors.

Your web traffic is a hotbed of information about prospective students. Wouldn’t it be nice to know who they are? With enrollmentFUEL’s inquiryDETECTOR solution, we can help you detect stealth inquiries and deliver you information about the household—actionable insight at its best—If you have a name buy or CRM list, enrollmentFUEL can go even further! Our matchBACK technology will match those stealth visitors back to your list and allow you to target those students efficiently and effectively.

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Look-Alike Modeling

Expand your promotional capabilities beyond traditional list sources

Look Alike Modeling | Forensic Lead Generation | Solutions

Fewer prospective students are available from test-taker lists. Look-alike modeling is an emerging higher education tactic to identify leads based on data from your prior enrollees. With Target Market Analysis based on household data, you can launch digital campaigns to households that contain prospective students who have a high likelihood to convert. Trust the digital experts at enrollmentFUEL to launch a look-alike campaign to find your future students

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target market analysis

Predict the future and work more efficiently.

Target Market Analysis | Forensic Lead Generation | Solutions

Enrollment funnels continue to widen at the top with reduced trickle-down. All the “white noise” probably stifles your admission team as they struggle to identify students most interested in attending. Lift the cloud that limits their ability to focus on the right students. Through a review of historical enrollment patterns, high school characteristics, and demographics, our Target Market Analysis solution, clearFOCUS, assists you and your team deeper in the funnel by identifying those most likely to apply and enroll. We will help you implement the chosen strategy, provide continuous monitoring throughout the cycle to assess the emerging enrollment picture, and work with you to make mid-course corrections, if necessary.

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create a virtual boundary around the locations where your prospective students are and advertise to them after they leave

Geofencing | Forensic Lead Generation | Solutions

Geofencing advertising is effective for first-time undergraduate, transfer, and graduate student audiences. We will create a virtual boundary around the locations where your prospective students congregate—such as a high school, a college, or an office building—and then we will later serve up digital ads to the devices that have been in those locations. Geofencing allows you to raise your awareness in a targeted way without the need for an existing prospect list.

cookie capturing

leave a crumb trail on your audience's devices to track stealth activity

Cookie Capturing | Forensic Lead Generation | Solutions

Our team of digital experts can provide you the tools to know which of your prospects are most engaged. After new inquiries hit your landing page in your Student Search campaign, enrollmentFUEL's game-changing clickCAPTURING solution and lead management system will capture students returning to your website later to conduct their independent research. This insight provides focus for your counseling team and aids in building rapport and bonding with interested prospects.


Target prospective students in the digital space.

Our digital experts can help you amplify your message at all stages of your recruitment funnel. Our digital services provide a truly omni-channel approach, leveraging look-alike list creation; household-targeting; profile-based ads, display and retargeting ads; Connected TV commercials; Google Ads; search engine optimization (SEO); geographical framing, excavating, and fencing; and more all while integrating with your communication flow and social media channels.

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Display Ads

Establish a PRESENCE where your target audience spends the most time—online!

Display Ads | Digital Marketing | Solutions

Our team works hand-in-hand with you to create custom display ads with a clear call-to-action for maximum engagement. Once launched, your ads will be targeted to your list, look-alike audience, or profile-based audience.


Retargeting Ads

Get in front of your audience...again.

Retargeting Ads | Digital Marketing | Solutions

Capture the attention of prospects who have previously visited your website by serving them customized ads to re-engage them and move them through the funnel. By targeting students who have already shown interest in your institution, you increase the likelihood of converting them. enrollmentFUEL’s team creates these ads with specialized messaging, keeping your school top-of-mind so that prospects are more likely to visit your website again, inquire to learn more, or apply.

Household Targeting

Spend your advertising money to get into the right homes.

Household Targeting | Digital Marketing | Solutions

Your advertising dollars are valuable, which is why we use household targeting to deliver ads to addresses where your prospects live. Rather than guessing where your prospects live, our team matches IP addresses to a list of names and then pushes ads to those locations, leaving you with peace of mind knowing that your ad impressions are never wasted.


Like Everyone else, your prospects are binge-watching TV. reach out to them when they are!

ConnectedTV | Digital Marketing | Solutions

Reaching your target audience on streaming services like Hulu and Roku has never been easier, thanks to the rise in Connected TV advertising. By targeting identified households or profile characteristics, we can strategically place eye-catching video ads that draw students in to learn more about your school.

Social Media Campaigns

Anyone can post on social media, but not everyone can craft an effective and responsive campaign.

Social Media Support | Digital Marketing | Solutions

From Snapchat to Instagram, we have access to create and run ads on almost any social channel you can think of. enrollmentFUEL targets ads to your ideal audience via lists, look-alike modeling, or profile characteristics and customizes messages and creatives in ways that appear attractive but not “sales-y.” Once live, your campaign is regularly optimized by our digital team to produce the best possible results.

TikTok Services

Let us help you get the most out of your audience's most popular platform.

TikTok | Digital Marketing | Solutions

TikTok is Gen Z's favorite social media app. Like many institutions, you may have recognized the value of maintaining a presence on the platform that prospective college students have their eyeballs on the most. enrollmentFUEL is prepared to help you identify student ambassadors on TikTok, edit your TikTok content, manage Spark Ads to boost your organic content, manage your school's TikTok account, and optimize and amplify your presence on TikTok through consulting services.

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SEO SUpport

Stop hiding and get found.

SEO Support | Digital Marketing | Solutions

Tired of being on the second page of search engine results? We can help! Our SEO experts can provide a review of your site and make practical, actionable suggestions that will help you climb the results list. Things like who you link to, who links to you, the language you use in your content, and the way you draft your metadata on the backend of your site can dramatically change how quickly your audience can find you.

Influencer Campaigns

Let others help lift your recruiting load

Influencer Campaigns | Digital Marketing | Solutions

Students and alumni have unique perspectives to share about your school, so why not leverage them? Activating influencers as part of your digital advertising methods can build emotional connections with your audience in ways that traditional ads can’t. enrollmentFUEL’s team of digital experts work one-on-one with each influencer to ensure the end result is both exciting and authentic!


unlock the potential of your email campaigns

emailDELIVER | Digital Marketing | Solutions

Our email deliverability assessment helps discover the factors impacting your email success, including sender reputation, content optimization, list maintenance, engagement metrics, and authentication. Our comprehensive report will provide tailored strategies to enhance your deliverability, ensuring your emails reach the right audience. Take the first step toward email deliverability excellence and boost your marketing ROI today.

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REV FUEL Learning Series | Consulting and Training | Solutions

GET more out of your professional development dollars

Our courses are taught by enrollment management and higher education professionals and provide a cost-effective way to dig deeper into the training and development of your team.

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Financial Aid Services

Reach your tuition, enrollment, retention, and discount rate goals.

Financial Aid Services | Consulting and Training | Solutions

Reach tuition and revenue goals with enrollmentFUEL’s executive suite of services to include Financial Aid. From your packaging philosophy to scholarship matrix builds and resets, enrollmentFUEL will help you meet discount rate projections and tuition revenue goals. 


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Slate Consulting and Training

Get help from a Slate Platinum Preferred Partner.

Slate Platinum Preferred Partner | Consulting and Training | Solutions

Whether you are new to Slate or just looking to optimize your enrollment management solution, enrollmentFUEL’s slateEDUCATE team has the expertise you need to use Slate technology to its fullest to grow enrollment.

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Communication Flow SupPort

Communicate smooth, flawless messages that augment your brand and values

Communication Flow Support | Consulting and Training | Solutions

Get high impact creative built on a foundation of enrollment expertise with recruiting and financial aid commFLOW™ solutions from enrollmentFUEL. We can assist you with all types of collateral development, including emails, landing pages, virtual campus tours, viewbooks, travel pieces, direct mail, financial aid communications, and award letters. If you are looking for insight into your overall process, enrollmentFUEL can also audit your current communication flow and make recommendations.

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Customized Consulting and Training

Develop your team and increase your effectiveness.

Custom Consulting Training | Solutions

Our customized training and coaching programs have helped many schools surpass their enrollment goals by improving team performance. enrollmentFUEL’s training facilitators all have over 20 years of enrollment experience. Whether you need help with sales and recruitment coaching, goal setting, soft skills development, executive or one-on-one coaching, or assessing and improving standard operating procedures, our solutions are tailor-made to fit your specific needs.

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