SEM Review Articles

Posts about

strategic enrollment management (3)

Ring Ring! Automate Standardized Communications to Save Time & Money!

Many colleges and universities face continuing staffing shortages and are finding themselves...

Student Loan Forgiveness For You, and You, and You

Student loan forgiveness has been a hot topic of conversation. It’s no wonder, given the...

Bona Fide Pride: The Benefits of a Strong Student Ambassador Program

Higher education enrollment management professionals and marketers often share a similar goal: How...

The Art & Science of Engineering a Great Campus Visit Experience

It’s no secret that campus visits are a prime opportunity for you to make a lasting impression. But...

Admissions and Faculty Collaboration: A Tool for Your Enrollment Success!

No matter how large or small the university, it seems the connection between faculty and the...

Tips to Engage Email Non-Responders: Recapturing the One that Got Away

Do you ever wonder about the one that got away? When working to recruit a new class, mulling over...

5 Data Concepts You MUST Consider for Higher Education Enrollment!

The ever-changing higher education recruitment landscape is filled with data challenges and...

Authenticity Still Matters in Your Enrollment Management Strategy

In our age of carefully curated social media feeds featuring beautifully filtered photos, it can be...

The time to build the habit of marketing testing is now

While the idea of being able to master any skill after 10,000 hours of practice has been debunked,...

Using Synergistic Strategies to Increase Net Tuition Revenue

How do YOU exceed annual enrollment goals? The “trick” is YOU don’t! 

I’m about to give you the...