Student Search

Identify and recruit quality leads.

Effectively deploy your resources to focus on the leads who will matriculate. Today, the best results come from Student Search campaigns combining email, digital advertising, direct mail, and eye-catching collateral. bannerDIRECT is enrollmentFUEL’s proprietary digital marketing solution. It offers you all the digital tools you need, including household targeting, geotargeting, geofencing, re-targeting ads, and social media advertising.


Tailored Tactics for Targeted
Student Search Results.

Are you looking for budget-friendly enrollment strategies guided by research, data, and an expert team? microSEARCH® was made for you! Whether you're looking to test new markets, develop program- or audience-specific pipelines, or supplement your larger Search campaigns, this tactic offers the tools you need to reach your goals.

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Adult & Graduate Lift

Elevate your adult & graduate
recruitment approach.
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Need to bolster your enrollment for these sometimes-hard-to-recruit-for programs? 100% of our graduate recruitment campaigns have succeeded in GROWING enrollment! Read that again. 100% of our graduate clients have experienced growth! What’s in our secret success sauce? Well-constructed and well-placed digital ads, inquiryDETECTOR to identify those stealthy prospects, SEO audits to help them find you, look-alike modeling, Connected TV experiences, pre-roll video, and more come together to expand the top of your recruitment funnel. We can create a tailored campaign just for you that helps you compete and win!

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Yield Boost

Don’t lose the momentum you’ve already built.


The team has done a lot of heavy lifting to get to this point, and now isn’t the time to let off the gas. You have to keep FUELing the engine. With our yield solution, you can rest assured that an omnichannel communication plan will continue to engage students after acceptance. Social media ads, household targeting, direct mail, and email keep the engine humming so you can cross the finish line and meet your enrollment goals.

name buy assistance

create a strategic name buy strategy and target the right students.

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Our team of name buy specialists have expertise with all prospective student list sources. We can help your team develop a strategy that is right for you, and we can take on the heavy lifting of the name buys themselves. We will collaborate to determine your best opportunities: researching, analyzing, and identifying target markets. Our optional Target Market Analysis geodemographic tool will ensure that your name buys are always measurable and supported by predictive data analytics.

Application Generation

Boost your applicant pool.

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With a strategic and intentionally timed cadence of action steps, you can help students realize the benefits of applying to your institution. enrollmentFUEL will use digital marketing, direct mail, ringless voice messaging, and telecounseling to give a lift to your applicant pool. An application generation campaign is a highly effective solution, especially when paired with our Student Search and Yield Boost products.


Amplify the voice of your institution.



Free up your professional staff with teleCONNECT™— calling and texting support from enrollmentFUEL. Our seasoned and friendly telecounselors support all types of action-based campaigns for institutions that want outside assistance to tackle time-consuming transactional calls or increase outbound contacts for recruiting. enrollmentFUEL develops scripts, trains, makes calls, sends texts, and monitors quality.

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Ringless Voicemail

A friendly voice message is an effective touch.

Increase your messaging options with ghostVOICE™. This cost-effective, ringless voicemail solution delivers messages to mobile phones and is effective for spreading the word about scholarships, application and deposit dates, and campus visit opportunities. Why waste valuable dialing time on transactional calls when ghostVOICE can spread the word for you?

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Geodemographic Research

Modeling to Identify Segmentation Opportunities.

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Identify the leads most likely to convert with Target Market Analysis. Using tools such as data mining, geodemographic data analysis, predictive modeling, and data enhancement, we identify clusters of students who are most likely to enroll at your school. This investment ensures efficient list purchases and helps you identify the market segments that are the best fit for your institution.

Parent Search

Connect with your prospects' decision makers

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Offered exclusively by enrollmentFUEL, pair our proven Parent Search tactics with your Student Search campaign to influence the decision makers for your prospective students and encourage deposits. Our recent research revealed a 15% deposit increase when using this companion campaign.

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