Customized Enrollment
Consulting & Training
Where can I find strategic enrollment and team consulting?
Bold enrollment leaders innovate. They transform departments, lead the charge to new markets, and are the driving force behind every school’s push to move from a market follower to a market leader.
Bold enrollment leaders know their strengths. They recognize time is a limited resource. When they want to innovate and transform, they often seek a consulting partner with the right experience to help them identify a new strategic path and execute the resulting plan.
enrollmentFUEL has the expertise to get you results. Our team is led by Jacquelyn D. Elliott, Ed.D. She has over 25 years of experience and served as the chief enrollment officer at three schools. Dr. Elliott and her team draw on years of practical experience, research, and best practices. They collaborate and act as part of your team, performing critical assessments, identifying gaps to fill, and providing you with actionable insight to address your distinct situation.
We can assist with:
- Strategic Enrollment Management (SEM)
- Admission and recruiting strategies
- Training on selling skills, selling value, and more
- Financial aid consulting
- Environmental scans
- Communication flow audits
- Website and social media audits
- Student Search strategies
- Bringing Student Search Campaigns in-house
- Strategic assessment and planning
- Goal mapping
- On-boarding and staff orientation
- Retreat plan development and facilitation
- Student retention
- Enhanced CRM functionality, including Slate
Whether your goal is a more efficient process for Student Search, staff training and development, revenue-growth strategies, or a more effective communication flow, enrollmentFUEL can help.