SEM Review Articles

Posts about

Student Search (2)

Testing New Geographic Markets

I have had many conversations, particularly in markets where institutions are subject to severe...

The Marathon is On!

As we enter the early weeks of November, whether you are up or down in your applications, admits,...

Mid-year Pivot?

We have passed the fall mile markers. September/October travel season. Check. Thanksgiving. Check. ...

Behavioral Scoring - Why does it Matter?

Customer Relationship Manager (CRM) software programs have given the recruitment process an...

Rethinking and RE-Searching Your Inquiry Pool

In the past few months, I’ve been on campuses where I’ve discovered inquiry pool sizes ranging from...

Is Financial Aid the Root of Your Enrollment Struggles?

A lot of enrollment professionals exert energy and effort looking for a silver bullet to solve the...

In God We Trust, All Others Bring Data

Recently I met with a client who we had helped reach a pretty significant enrollment milestone....

Communicating with Parents is Not a Passing Fad

Last week was a long week as I both exhibited and attended enrollment conferences in both...