SEM Review Articles

Posts about

Recruitment (3)

Give Your Counseling Staff a Boost: Hiring Current Students to Offset Staffing Shortages

We’ve talked about it for months, but the need for these conversations hasn’t subsided: the Great...

Bona Fide Pride: The Benefits of a Strong Student Ambassador Program

Higher education enrollment management professionals and marketers often share a similar goal: How...

The Art & Science of Engineering a Great Campus Visit Experience

It’s no secret that campus visits are a prime opportunity for you to make a lasting impression. But...

Extend Your Recruitment Reach

Whether you are at a campus that feels like a ghost town in the summer or at one with a thriving...


In 2009, I met with the Admissions team at Duke University. Our conversation covered many topics,...

Social Media Influencers – Macro, Micro – Wait, There’s a Nano Now?

In Student Search and enrollment marketing, articles have started to pop up about institutions...

Your Domain Reputation Affects Your Email Delivery

Your school’s domain name has a reputation score. Scores are calculated based on online metrics in...

Tips for Deploying Digital Marketing During Yield Season

An unfortunate reality for Admissions teams is that the traditional Yield recruitment...

Transfer Students - Where Art Thou?

The community college system across the United States has approximately 2.1 million full-time...

Mid-year Pivot?

We have passed the fall mile markers. September/October travel season. Check. Thanksgiving. Check. ...