enrollmentFUEL Team

Vice President of Client Development
A native of Maine, Lars (like the drummer from Metallica) moved to North Carolina after earning his B.A. in English at the University of Maine at Farmington. Lars brings valuable expertise to the enrollmentFUEL team from his experience working in undergraduate and graduate admissions and even career coaching and small business counseling throughout his career in higher education.
Since moving to North Carolina, he has earned his M.A. in Liberal and Global Studies from the University of North Carolina at Greensboro and his Ed.D. in Higher Education Administration from Northeastern University.
Outside of his professional life, Lars considers his full-time job to be a husband and father. In his free time, he enjoys cooking, reading (especially Stephen King), being outdoors, geeking out over Star Trek, and indulging in the goofiest, goriest horror movies he can find.
Postal Address:
136 East Rosemary Street, Suite 100
Chapel Hill, NC 27514
(336) 870-9286