enrollmentFUEL Team


Jazmane Brown

Account Manager

Jazmane Brown has over 20 years of college admissions experience, working with diverse student populations nationwide. Prior to joining enrollmentFUEL in 2021, Jazmane served as the Assistant Vice President for Enrollment Management at Xavier University of Louisiana. In her work with client-partners, Jazmane focuses on compassionate, people-first approaches while strategically and intentionally guiding enrollment teams to achieve their goals through action-based, data-driven solutions.

Jazmane holds a B.A. in Communication and a master's degree in Public Relations from the University of Miami (FL). When she is not wrangling campaigns, Jazmane loves to travel the world, trying new foods and experiences. She has visited 31 countries on 4 continents. She lives with her husband Sanchez, an active duty service member in the U.S. Army, and their three children: Aaliyah, Hannah, and Caleb

Contact Me

Postal Address:

136 East Rosemary Street, Suite 100

Chapel Hill, NC 27514



You can reach Jazmane via WhatsApp at (404)993-4942
