enrollmentFUEL Team

Higher Ed Marketing & Student Search Services | enrollmentFUEL | Jackie Boliakis

Jackie Boliakis

Digital Project Manager

Jackie grew up in Massachusetts before moving to Connecticut after graduating from Fairfield University, where she majored in Communication and double-minored in Marketing and Health Studies. During her time at Fairfield, she served as an orientation leader, helping new students transition to college life.

Since 2015, Jackie has worked in digital marketing and social media, and more recently in project management and operations. She is also a certified yoga instructor pursuing a Project Management certification. While currently residing in North Carolina, Jackie enjoys visiting Cape Cod, capturing special moments through photography, indulging in peanut butter and chocolate treats, and seeking new adventures.



Contact Me

Postal Address:

136 East Rosemary Street, Suite 100

Chapel Hill, NC 27514



(781) 534-8119
