Hi, friend!
Help us Pay It Forward by selecting one of the following charities, and we will make a donation in your honor.
Simply review the organizations listed here, which were selected by several members of the enrollmentFUEL team.
Next, fill out the form below to make your selection.
"As a new foster parent, I’m learning that there are limited resources available to vulnerable, at-risk youth and teens. Covenant House provides a temporary home, a continuum of services, a solid educational foundation, and sustained employment for kids who have run away from or been forced out of their family home, survived human trafficking, or aged out of foster care."
—Traba McQuary
Director of Emerging Marketing Solutions
"I chose Isaiah 117 House because I know providing a safe and loving environment for children is important to everybody at enrollmentFUEL and my family. When children are removed from their homes out of concern for their safety, they are usually brought to a child welfare services office to await placement. They are scared, lonely, and hungry. Isaiah 117 House provides a comforting home while they await placement."
—Aaron Porter
Associate Vice President for Client Relations
"This organization is near to my heart. My oldest nephew was born with Down Syndrome. He is one of the most amazing people I have ever met, thanks to the support of his parents and organizations that support families and individuals who have Down Syndrome. The resources, advocacy, and support they offer ensure that children born with an extra chromosome can lead an extraordinary life."
—Susanna Lehman Mayo
Vice President of Slate Education
"Heifer International helps empower/advance women across the globe by providing them the opportunity to trade or sell food to support their families. Teach a person to fish—what a great way to help."
—Dr. Jacquelyn D. Elliott
President Emerita
"When I was in the military, the USO was always there for me as a safe haven while away from my family and country."
—Mike Wesner
Founder and CEO
Thank you for your interest in our 2023 Pay It Forward Holiday Campaign!
our client-partners and friends around the world help make this year's campaign a tremendous success!
We hope to be able to count on you again when our 2024 holiday campaign kicks off!