SEM Review Articles

Posts about

enrollment marketing

OCTANE—Does Direct Mail Make Sense?

In 2016, Harris Diamond, CEO of the McCann advertising agency, spoke at the National Postal Forum....

Finding the Names You Need for Your Adult and Graduate Programs

Anyone working in the realm of Adult and Graduate recruitment knows that their biggest challenge is

Top 5 Digital Marketing Tips for Higher Education

Increasing enrollment is at the heart of every marketing goal in the higher education world. Seems...

Post-Pandemic Higher Ed: Seizing Online Opportunities and Confronting Challenges

The COVID-19 pandemic drastically reshaped the landscape of higher education. With the rapid...

Leveraging AI: Creative Photography and Videography in Higher Education

Mention the term Artificial Intelligence, commonly referred to as AI, to anyone today, and their...

5 Ways to Reach Your Target Audience on TikTok

Are you looking for new ways to reach your target audience and engage with them on social media?...

Changing Privacy Restrictions and What They Mean for Enrollment

We hope you had an opportunity to join the College Board webinar on Wednesday, March 29, 2023....

AI and Admissions: Academic Integrity and Innovation Intersect

If it seems like news about ChatGPT and other AI tools is everywhere, you’re right—not to mention...

Bona Fide Pride: The Benefits of a Strong Student Ambassador Program

Higher education enrollment management professionals and marketers often share a similar goal: How...