Dr. Jacquelyn D. Elliott

Dr. Jacquelyn Elliott, President of enrollmentFUEL talks about building a healthy culture on your admissions team. Our podcast will provide enrollment managers with practical strategies to nurture a Healthy Team Culture during a time of remote workers, stress about job security and overall anxiety about living in the realities of a pandemic.

Dr. Jacquelyn D. Elliott is a subject matter expert in recruitment and retention strategies, all things enrollment management, strategic planning, budgeting, organizational histories, women in leadership, and goal mapping. With over thirty years of experience in higher education, she brings expertise in many areas relevant to the challenges of today’s Chief Enrollment Officer as President of enrollmentFUEL.

Visit our website to contact enrollmentFUEL and keep an eye out for new episodes.

The Evolution of communication flows: a 360° Journey

Recently, I traveled to visit clients and stopped on my way back home to visit with a former colleague from a previous institution. Over dinner, we reminisced about the good old days when things were tough, but not nearly impossible. And while neither of us really wanted to think about COVID (aren’t we all over this by now?), we did talk about the impact on enrollment and what the future of admission will look like as we get closer and closer to the demographic cliff that lies ahead. 

From Clay to Gold: Leadership Lessons Among Chaos

“It was the best of times, it was the worst of times.” To me, it seems Charles Dickens described...

How and Why College Students Select an Institution

I recently went to dinner with a friend of mine. The dinner was fabulous, the company even better,...