1 min read

Episode 6—Planning Your Summer To-Do List: Slate CRM Tips!

In this episode of Accelerate Slate, Katie and Susanna discuss strategies for planning and prioritizing your summer Slate to do list. We chat about the post Summit excitement and how to manage that back on your campus. We hope that you can walk away with some ideas that help you put together your list and create a plan for how to implement those updates on your campus.

Hot Topics!

[00:01:12] Create summer to-do list with team collaboration.

[00:03:23] Use the home page instead of the dashboard/portal.

[00:08:34] Prioritizing projects based on intensity and wins.

[00:12:08] Technolutions may lack documentation; anticipate changes.

[00:13:41] Wait for bugs to be fixed before using.

[00:19:15] Expect the unexpected at the Summit conference.

[00:20:49] Content available in different formats and schools.

[00:27:01] Explore options, network, build sustainably, ask questions.

Currently navigating through the difficulties of managing an enrollment CRM? Our Slate Ninjas can help! Check us out here. (We’re Slate Platinum Partners 😉)