Enrollment Edge Podcast

Higher Ed Podcast | Enrollment EDGE | Slate CRM

Written by Susanna Mayo | Apr 27, 2021 9:55:09 PM

Susanna Mayo has spent the past 15 years of her career dabbling in almost every aspect of admission at Capital University. She found her passion for building Capital's CRM when she started her current role as Director of Admissions Operations and Technology. 

In her own words, Susanna has served as an IT adjunct within her own university as well as other who have tapped her on the shoulder for her CRM expertise. She is the first one to remind her database partners to think outside of the "status quo" or the "way we've always done it" mentality. Susanna clearly articulates the critical attributes that a great CRM must have so that your CRM will work for you and not you working for it. 

For questions, suggestions, or comments, please email us at edge@enrollmentfuel.com